COVID-19 Protocols

GeneralFirst AidFall Protection/BC Comprehensive, Confined Space, Ground DisturbanceH2S Alive, Fall Protection/Energy Safety Canada

1. General and First Aid

Class Size: Class size will be kept to a maximum of 8-10 participants, about half the regular class size usually conducted, to facilitate social distancing. Seating will be arranged before class by the Instructor to conform to the 2-metre spacing recommendation.

Wellness Checks: All participants will receive a questionnaire the day before the class, to be read and answered in regards to any exposure to people with COVID and to any symptoms they may be experiencing themselves(fever, cough, breathing difficulties/shortness of breath, etc.). If possible, they are to bring the completed questionnaire with them. If this isn’t possible, still complete read the questionnaire. Forms will be available at the training. Participants should stay home if they have any symptoms of illness. Valhalla Safety will allow for re-scheduling without penalty due to illness. The questionnaire is adapted from WorkSafe BC; for more information:

Face Masks: Participants will be expected to wear a face mask to enter and to complete the training. Masks are to be worn during the entire (in-class) course even if social distancing can be maintained, but may be lowered to drink and eat during breaks at assigned, socially-distanced seating. The distance during activities may can only if all participants and the Instructor are wearing procedural masks (not cloth ones). For more information about requirements for post-secondary learning institutions:

Participants may bring their own masks (cloth is accepted) or we will provide procedural ones (disposable). When wearing a mask take the following precautions to protect yourself: avoid touching your face and face mask while using it; change the mask for a fresh one as soon as it becomes damp, crumpled or soiled. Regarding cloth (home-made) masks: after each use should be put directly into the washing machine or a bag that can be emptied into the washing machine. Wash on hot cycle and dry thoroughly.

Intake/Registration: Pre-registration will done online and over the phone and not at the training; no walk-ins will be accepted. Pre-payment will be accepted via E-transfer and Credit Card. Cash payments (exact change only) are accepted only with advance notice. Registrant must count course fees in front of Instructor and then put the money in the envelope provided.

Check-in: Only use main door indicated. Before entering building, read signage that asks those who are entering to not do so if they are ill or showing signs of illness. If you have one, put on your mask before entering. A sandwich board will be located next to entrance. When entering the building avoid clustering; when someone is in front of you please wait a few seconds before proceeding and entering the building. Proceed to hand-sanitiser station next to door inside the building. From there, instructor will direct participants to seating locations pre-arranged for social distancing. Put your photo ID on the table top for the Instructor to view. Please bring your own pen. If you forget to bring one there may be used ones available that are santized. Discard or clean it with disinfecting wipes after use. Read, sign and date your Registration form. Instructor will pick it up.

Sanitation: Surfaces such as table tops, chairs, door handles and other common surfaces will be sanitized with hospital-grade disinfectant. Additional wipes and paper towels will be available in washrooms. Please clean up after yourself.

Hand-washing/sanitizing: Instructor and students must wash hands using soap and water (for 20 to 30 seconds) after each transition: coming into classroom; before and after skill practice session, leaving for a break or lunch; coming back from a break or lunch; prior to leaving the classroom at the end of the day.

Safe Classroom: No manuals will be shared among participants nor will be used in multiple training sessions as a classroom set. Participants will be provided with materials they can use and take with them or they will be disposed of. Or participants may bring their own tablet (for First Aid) to class to access digital version of manual during training. Be sure to use disinfecting wipes on tablets after each use.
Every student must wear gloves during all skill practices and assessment scenarios. Students have to change gloves frequently between skills and scenarios. Gloves should not be re-used.
Every student must use a pocket mask (First Aid) with single use one way valve when giving rescue breaths on mannequins (one-way valves should be disposed after each participant and not cleaned).

Equipment: Each student will get their own mannequin and AED (1:1 ratio) to practise on. All non-disposable equipment and mannequins used during class will be cleaned prior to and after student use. Mannequins will be equipped with new set of disposable lungs for each class. All disposable materials (gloves, bandages) will be provided for participants’ individual use. Clean face, mouth and chest plate of mannequins after each use.

Knowledge Evaluations: After correcting, the Instructor will place knowledge evaluations in an envelope for minimum of 72 hours before handling by administrative staff. Certifications (digital) will be emailed to students 3 to 10 days after class completion.

2. Fall Protection/BC Comprehensive End User, Confined Space/CanSafe, Ground Disturbance/Global
Protocols:will be made visible on classroom wall.
Number of Participants: The maximum number of participants will be limited to 8-10, depending on the size of the space, to facilitate social distancing.
Equipment: Each participant will get their own harness for fitting; they won’t have to share.
Equipment Rotation: after each use, equipment will be removed from service for several days until potential virus latency period has elapsed (Health Canada).
Cleaning: frequency to be increased.
Coveralls: Participants will be provided with single-use coveralls before donning harnesses.
Exercise Modification: suspension exercise is not mandatory (optional only) and will not be included during classes for the present infectious conditions.
PPE: masks must be worn if physical distancing isn’t possible; and gloves must be worn when handling harnesses and other equipment. Gloves will be discarded after single use in exercises (not to be re-used).

3. H2S Alive, Fall Protection/Energy Safety Canada
Protocols: to be posted/made visible on classroom walls.
Class Size: have been reduced; numbers are dependent on facility used but not greater than 12.
Registration and Payment: prepayment only via e-transfer and credit card. No payment and registrations accepted at the door.
Pre-screening forms: to be read before class; and if possible to be brought to check-in.
Occupancy: public access through external/outside doors only; not through secondary or main entrances. Physical spacing will be configured by Instructor in advance. Instructor will guide participants to designated seats.
ID Verification: students will be asked to place photo ID on table top for Instructor to view (no touched or handled).
PPE: masks will be required where physical distancing isn’t possible; participants are welcome to wear their own masks to class or single-use/procedural ones will be provided. If procedural masks become moist, soiled or crumpled, they are to be discarded and replaced with new one. Nitrile gloves will be provided for activities and for handling equipment (SCBA’s); gloves are to be discarded (not re-used) after activities and fresh ones applied for subsequent ones. Participants should wear masks in washrooms also.
Cleaning: Hand sanitizer will be available and participants will be encouraged to wash hands (20 to 30 seconds) for frequent cleansing, especially during any transition to and from and change in activities. Medical-grade disinfectant will be used to clean tables, chairs and common surfaces. Additional cleaning supplies will be placed in washroom/s to enable occupants to clean up after themselves.
Instruction: all discussion and demonstrations to be conducted from a minimum distance of 2 metres; where not possible masks must be worn. Attention to be given to maintaining distancing during discussion, exercises and testing, using masks and gloves or using pointer. Adapt group discussions to individual work. or group work with physical distancing.
Equipment Rotation: equipment will be removed from service for a few days after use until potential virus latency period has elapsed.
Coveralls will be washed after each use.
Rescue Lifts: to be done with dummies/manikins; participants to describe how two-person lifts would be performed.

Thank you for your co-operation in keeping yourselves and all of us safe!